Evangelist John Dorsey knows first-hand what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do. Over 34 years ago, John was a drug addicted, homeless, and a renegade in the streets of Los Angeles. He experimented with gang life, DJ life, a life of crime, among many other ungodly pursuits. All of this led to a place of brokenness, ungodly distractions, and hopelessness in the urban jungles. What drugs, crime and the "world" could not accomplish, the Gospel did instantly. Jesus entered John's life, and now he is rescuing thousands each year with the same message of hope that transformed him. For more than 33 years, John has stepped out in faith engaged in full-time ministry, as president of God's Outreach Ministry, Inc.

The Bible clearly states that we are to go into the world and preach the Gospel-the good news of Jesus Christ-in the same way that many lovingly reached out to him, just as Jesus rescued him from the path of darkness. John and many others now team up to return to the darkness to reach those in the same manner as soldiers in the army of the Lord.  

John's Testimony