Evangelist John Dorsey knows first-hand what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do. Over 24 years ago, John was a drug addicted, homeless, and a renegade in the streets of Los Angeles. John tried gang life, DJ life, drug life, crime addicted life, among many other ungodly things. All this happened only for John to find himself broken, bleeding, and without hope in the jungles of the city. What drugs, crime and the "world" could not do, the Gospel did instantly. Jesus came into John's life, and now he is rescuing thousands each year with the same message of hope that transformed him. For over 15 years John has stepped out in faith doing full-time ministry, as president of God's Outreach Ministry, Inc.
John states, if no one volunteered to the community outreach that so lovingly reached out to him, he would not be doing what he is doing today. Just as he was rescued from the path that he was headed down, he wants to go back to that same path, but this time to rescued those who are in need of a helping hand from someone who cares.